What our colleagues say
WA Best Places to Work for 2024
- Each year, the Business Journal surveys Puget Sound-area businesses and organizations to find those who have discovered a winning strategy to create positive employee experiences. This report highlights the 100 companies that secured the highest scores in 2024. The program was open to any company with at least 10 full-time employees at an office in Washington that has been in operation for at least four years. Participating companies paid a $250 fee to participate in the survey process, administered and scored by Quantum Workplaces. Nominations did not guarantee placement on The Lists.
- Ranked 20th August 30, 2024
- Methodology: https://www.bizjournals.com/seattle/c/washingtons-best-workplaces-2024.html
OR Best Places to Work for 2023
- Everybody wants to feel like their work is seen and valued: Some of the most enthusiastic comments came from employees who felt like they were part of a supportive team and had clear opportunities for advancement. Multiple commenters mentioned they felt like their employers trusted them to do their jobs properly and avoided micromanaging them. Employees also singled out managers who were willing to roll up their sleeves and help frontline staff amid staffing shortages, and praised perks that include office lunches, employee-recognition events and free snacks — but also profit-sharing bonuses and even discounts on the purchase of a new home
- Ranked 20th on June 30, 2023
- Methodology: https://oregonbusiness.com/19782-2023-s-100-best-companies-to-work-for-in-oregon/
- No compensation was provided directly or indirectly to obtain or use the rating.
What our clients say
Wealth and Asset Management Firms 2024
- Information was obtained from ADV reports filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, firm representatives and company websites. Information on The List was supplied by individual companies through questionnaires and could not be independently verified by the Puget Sound Business Journal. Only those that responded to our inquiries or had reliable information available elsewhere were listed. In case of ties, companies are listed alphabetically. None of Freestone or its employees pay a fee in exchange for inclusion in this list
- Ranked 3rd on May 24, 2024
- Methodology: https://www.bizjournals.com/seattle/subscriber-only/2024/05/24/largest-wealth-and-asset-management-firms-in-the-seattle.html
- No compensation was provided directly or indirectly to obtain or use the rating.
Private Companies in WA State 2024
- Information on The List was obtained from firm representatives and company websites.
- Information on The List was supplied by individual companies through questionnaires.
- To qualify for the List, companies must be headquartered in Washington state, privately owned, report at least $500,000 in 2021 revenue and increase revenue between 2021 and 2023. Each company’s CEO/CFO or an equivalent had to personally verify the reported revenue figures.
- The Business Journal defines local and the Puget Sound region as King, Kitsap, Pierce and Snohomish counties. Only those that responded to our inquiries or had reliable information available elsewhere were listed.
- Ranked 87th on October 25, 2024
- Methodology: https://www.bizjournals.com/seattle/subscriber-only/2024/10/25/fastest-growing-private-companies-in-washington-state.html
- No compensation was provided directly or indirectly to obtain or use the rating.
Barron’s Top 100 RIA Firms 2024
- Our ninth annual ranking of independent advisory companies is based on assets managed by the firms, growth, technology spending, succession planning, and other metrics. For the first time, Barron’s is ranking the largest registered investment advisor firms separately from its broader RIA ranking. For our list of mega RIAs, we selected firms that manage 2% or more of the total assets of all ranking applicants. This year, that creates a threshold of $70 billion in assets.
- Ranked 43rd on September 30th, 2024
- Methodology: https://www.barrons.com/advisor/articles/barrons-methodology-for-ranking-financial-advisors-c4831b04
- No compensation was provided directly or indirectly to obtain or use the rating.
Barron’s Top 1,200 Advisors 2022
- Advisors who wish to be ranked fill out a comprehensive survey about their practice. We verify that data and apply our rankings formula to the data to generate a ranking, based on assets, revenue, and quality of practice. The rankings are meant as a starting point for clients looking for an advisor—a first-pass vetting that can help investors narrow a search. Every advisor will have his or her own approach to investing, financial planning, and other services. Clients are encouraged to approach a search for an advisor the way they would a search for a doctor—interviewing multiple professionals and getting opinions from multiple third parties.
- Awarded on March 30th, 2022
- Methodology: https://www.barrons.com/advisor/articles/barrons-methodology-for-ranking-financial-advisors-c4831b04
- No compensation was provided directly or indirectly to obtain or use the rating.
Barron’s Advisor Hall of Fame (Inducted 2024)
- Financial advice is a long game. At its core, it’s about ensuring clients have enough money to fund their needs, wants and dreams through the end of their lives. The best advisors are those who can demonstrate sustained excellence over a long period and whose practices are set up to serve clients well, even after the advisor has retired or otherwise left the business. Barron’s Hall of Fame acknowledges those advisors who have appeared in Barron’s annual Top 100 Advisor rankings for 10+ years. These men and women exemplify long term success and commitment to clients.
- Every two years, we recognized the recipients of the Hall of Fame Award at the Barron’s Advisor Hall of Fame Summit. This three-day event is an intimate meeting of these elite advisors and their successors. The goal: allow Hall of Fame Advisors to collaborate, share best practices and ensure that their legacy of excellence is passed down to the next generation of advisors.
- Awarded in Q1 of 2025
- Methodology: Barron’s Hall of Fame acknowledges those advisors who have appeared in Barron’s annual Top 100 Advisor rankings for 10+ years. These men and women exemplify long term success and commitment to clients. Every two years, we recognized the recipients of the Hall of Fame Award at the Barron’s Advisor Hall of Fame Summit.
- No compensation was provided directly or indirectly to obtain or use the rating.
Barron’s Top 100 Independent Advisors 2023
- Here are America’s top independent financial advisors, as identified by Barron’s. The ranking reflects the volume of assets overseen by the advisors and their teams, revenues generated for the firms, and the quality of the advisors’ practices. A ranking of “N” indicates the advisor was not ranked in the specified year. HNW = high-net-worth; UHNW = ultrahigh-net-worth.
- Awarded in September 2023
- Methodology: https://www.barrons.com/advisor/articles/barrons-methodology-for-ranking-financial-advisors-c4831b04
- No compensation was provided directly or indirectly to obtain or use the rating.
- The list — compiled by Ignites Research, an FT sister company — assesses RIAs with assets under management (AUM) of more than $300m on their expertise and other credentials desirable to investors. The FT 300 is presented here as an elite group segmented by state, rather than a competitive ranking of one to 300 (scroll below the table to see the full methodology)
- Rated top 300 listed by state on July 29, 2020
- Methodology: https://www.ft.com/content/6a45556e-6c21-4770-bc94-468fee0de563
- No compensation was provided directly or indirectly to obtain or use the rating.
What our community says
Corporate Philanthropy 2024 (midsize firms)
- Award and survey hosted by The Puget Sound Business Journal. Midsize companies are those with revenues between $20 million and $500 million. Corporate and foundation cash giving in Washington and globally does not include the value of in-kind gifts, sponsorships, or employee contributions.
- Placed 8th on May 10, 2024
- Methodology: https://www.bizjournals.com/seattle/subscriber-only/2024/05/10/corporate-philanthropists-in-washington-midsize.html
- No compensation was provided directly or indirectly to obtain or use the rating.
Top 100 Corporate Philanthropists Bay Area 2022
- Award and survey hosted by the San Francisco Business Times. This List includes for-profit companies and nonprofit health care organizations that made contributions to Bay Area-based charitable organizations in the Greater Bay Area, defined as the counties of Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Solano, and Sonoma. Information was obtained from company representatives. In case of ties, cash contributions to charities companywide was used as secondary ranking criteria.
- Awarded on July 28, 2023
- Methodology: https://www.bizjournals.com/sanfrancisco/subscriber-only/2023/07/28/top-100-bay-area-corporate-philanthropists.html
- Reporting Cycle: 12-month period through 2022, omitted revenue before taxes
- No compensation was provided directly or indirectly to obtain or use the rating.
Top 100 Corporate Philanthropists in AZ 2022
- Award and survey hosted by The Phoenix Business Journal. Surveyed list with the following information points: 2021 cash contributions to Arizona charities, 2021 companywide contributions to charities, value of Arizona in-kind contributions, 2021 revenue, top local executive and director of charitable giving.
- October 21, 2022
- Methodology: Ranked by 2021 cash contributions to Arizona charities; https://www.bizjournals.com/phoenix/subscriber-only/2022/10/21/arizonas-largest-corporate-philanthropists.html
- Reporting Cycle: 12-month period through 2022 omitted revenue before taxes
- No compensation was provided directly or indirectly to obtain or use the rating.
Corporate Philanthropy 2022-PDX
- Award and survey hosted by the Portland Business Journal. This List includes for-profit companies and nonprofit health care organizations that made contributions to Portland-based charitable organizations. In case of ties, cash contributions to charities companywide was used as secondary ranking criteria.
- Awarded on October 28, 2022
- Methodology: Ranked by 2023 OR/SW WA cash contributed
- No compensation was provided directly or indirectly to obtain or use the rating.