How Much Retirement Income Will I Need?

Jul 06, 2024 |

Figuring out your income essentials is a pivotal step in retirement preparation. Comprehending how much money you will require during retirement helps you craft a financial plan that sustains your lifestyle.

Evaluating your retirement income

Examine your current spending patterns and project how they may transform in retirement. Consider housing, healthcare, transportation, groceries, and leisure activities. It’s crucial to be as precise as possible to prevent financial surprises.

After forecasting your retirement expenditures, figure out the suitable income replacement rate. This is the percentage of your pre-retirement earnings that you will need to uphold your standard of living. While there is no universal answer, a 70-80% replacement rate is reasonable. Some like to have a higher percentage in their early retirement years as that’s when you typically spend more on travel.

Approaches for retirement savings

Set retirement savings goals. Determine how much income you will need during retirement and calculate the percentage of your current earnings you should save. This will aid you in creating a realistic retirement savings plan. Consider your desired retirement age, expected expenditures, and additional income sources, such as Social Security.

Maximizing employer-sponsored retirement plans is an excellent method to boost your retirement savings. Take advantage of any matching contributions your employer offers, as this essentially provides free money towards your retirement. If possible, contribute the maximum allowed by the plan, and consider increasing your contributions over time to take advantage of potential growth through compounding interest. Also, take advantage of the catch-up contribution amounts at age 50.

Remember, retirement savings is a long-term commitment. Regularly review your retirement savings plan and make adjustments as needed. Don’t consider your retirement savings an active-trading account; consider them a long-term strategy. Usually, reviewing your plan once or twice a year should suffice. Think of it as going to your doctor or dentist at least annually. By following these strategies and staying disciplined, you can work towards achieving a comfortable retirement lifestyle.

Retirement investments

Creating a diversified retirement portfolio is vital. Diversification spreads your investments across different asset classes, such as stocks, bonds, and real estate. This strategy helps reduce the risk of significant losses by not putting all your eggs in one basket.

Balance risk and return. As you approach retirement, adjusting your portfolio to focus on preserving capital rather than solely pursuing high returns is crucial. Working with an advisor to help you with your allocation strategy is always a recommended best practice. If you don’t have an advisor, you can utilize target date funds and model portfolios to stay diversified at your appropriate risk level.

Planning for your retirement lifestyle

Understand your current expenditures and factor in potential changes, such as a paid-off mortgage or reduced healthcare costs. You will then get a clearer picture of the income you’ll need to maintain your desired retirement lifestyle. This includes housing, healthcare, transportation, and leisure.

Retirement is not a one-size-fits-all journey. Different phases of retirement may require different financial considerations. Early retirement may involve more significant expenditures, such as travel or starting a new business venture, while later retirement may involve increased healthcare costs or downsizing. We always check in with our clients to ensure their plan accommodates expenditures early in retirement and adjusts later in life. Many retirees thank us for encouraging them to spend on items or experiences they’ve dreamed about and saved up for a long time.

Retirement income sources

Social Security benefits and eligibility: Social Security provides income to eligible retirees. To qualify for benefits, you must have worked and earned a certain number of credits. The amount you receive depends on your earnings history and the age at which you claim benefits.

Making the most of retirement savings and investments: Building a solid nest egg is crucial for a secure retirement. Contributing to retirement accounts like 401(k)s, IRAs, and Roth IRAs can help you accumulate savings over time. Additionally, investing wisely can generate income and potentially grow your retirement funds.

By diversifying your retirement income sources, you can minimize risk and maximize your financial security. Each source has its rules and considerations. Perhaps you need a Personal CFO.


The information contained in this document is provided for informational purposes only and should not be construed as individualized advice. For individualized advice, please consult with your adviser.

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