Brian Tall

Chief Investment Officer | Seattle | 206.258.5000

How do I help our clients live a richer life?
The obstacles confronting individual investors are many. The investment management industry offers a nearly limitless supply of strategies, very few of which meet fiduciary standards. Likewise, impersonal advice provided by the widespread distribution of information on the internet and television can be highly suspect. As the chief investment officer, I am the researcher of ideas, the filterer of information, and the bouncer that turns away investment solutions that better serve fund managers than clients. I am responsible for the research and analysis that shapes our investment philosophy and implementation processes; and together with other members of the investment committee, I direct firm-wide strategic allocation policies.

How do I align my time and money with my values and passions to live a richer life?
While I always seem to be thinking about something related to economics and finance, I am a good multitasker so having fun is not mutually exclusive with my inability to turn off the wonkery. In the summer, I enjoy barbecuing outside, playing in softball leagues, and trying not to hurt myself in various water sports. During the winter, I enjoy skiing and talking about record-breaking winter statistics. In my past, I was fortunate to have the opportunity to travel throughout much of the world and experience different cultures—I look forward to someday going on another adventure to new parts of the world that I have yet to visit.