Charles Strauss

Controller | Seattle | 206.258.5091

How do I help clients live a richer life?
As Controller, I am responsible for ensuring that the financial systems are in good shape and well accounted for. By doing this, I provide the organization with the most up to date and accurate data that reports on past financial health as well as information that guides us towards successful future endeavors. I see my clients as my team members at Brighton Jones and when I can provide them the tools they need to succeed, then it allows everyone to live a richer life.

How do I align my time and money with my values and passions to live a richer life?
Spending time with my wife and daughter is an easy choice, as they bring me joy. My home is an extension of myself, so it is easy to prioritize keeping it in good health and working to improve it. Eating well and experiencing new cuisines are my wife’s and my wife’s passions. We treat ourselves (when babysitters are available) to a fancy dinner or a homemade meal using the best ingredients Seattle has to offer. Getting outside to explore the nature that Washington (and the world at large) has to offer has always offered me mindfulness opportunities. I live a Richer Life by having the good fortune of passing down these values to my daughter.