Conor Whitney, CFA

Advisor | Scottsdale | 602.847.4487

How do I help our clients Live a Richer Life®?
As an Advisor, I have the opportunity to work with individuals on determining and executing a wealth strategy that enables them to align their finances with their ideal lifestyle. I have a passion for markets and personal financial and deeply appreciate the opportunity to be able to utilize both to aid our clients in living a richer life. I enjoy working with people and being able to use the resources of Brighton Jones to add value to each client’s personal situation.

I have a decade of experience in financial services. I love exploring new places and have held roles in Scottsdale, Chicago, and New York. I have a Bachelor’s of Science in Finance from the University of Arizona and am a Charted Financial Analyst (CFA) Charter holder since 2019.

How do I align my time and money with my values and passions to Live a Richer Life®?
I enjoy seeking out new experiences and spending time with friends and family. I love to travel with my wife and try to take every opportunity to experience a new country and further explore the US. Outside of travel I like to play golf, cook, read, and see everything the great state of Arizona has to offer.