Hailey Leister, CFP®

Advisor | Scottsdale | 602.654.0582

How do I help clients Live a Richer Life®?
As an advisor at Brighton Jones, I support clients by giving them peace of mind and the confidence to live a richer life. I am dedicated to helping clients realize and achieve their financial goals to give them freedom in their day-to-day lives.

How do I align my time and money with my values and passions to Live a Richer Life®?
My idea of living a richer life is discovering my purpose through adventure and maintaining deep connections with friends, family, and nature. I find peace hiking on trails, spending quality time at my family’s cabin in Northern Arizona, by the ocean, or on a kayak on the lake. I am intentional about spending money on travel and experiences that are once-in-a-lifetime opportunities and activities that improve my wellbeing. I aim to live a life that balances my desire to help others reach their financial goals and allows me to explore our beautiful world.