Todd Seneker

Managing Director of Lenora Capital | Seattle | 206.258.5013

How do I help our clients live a richer life?
As a member of the real estate team at Lenora Capital, I am fortunate for the opportunity to offer my real estate expertise to our very unique and diverse set of clients. Whether it be how we live, work, or play, our connection and experience with real estate is tangible, which drives my interest and passion as a real estate investor. The real estate opportunity set is growing, wide-ranging, and complex, which requires appropriate experience and sophistication to properly assess the opportunities and risks of any real estate investment. The team at Lenora Capital delivers that capability to our clients. Whether it be as an investor or advisor on behalf of our clients, I embrace the opportunity to interact with, support, and provide guidance to enhance their knowledge and experience in this ever-evolving real estate world.

How do I align my time and money with my values and passions to live a richer life?
The core values that guide me are commitment, flexibility, and integrity. Family and friends are my foundation and a constant reminder of aligning my values with how I live, work, and play. Commitment aligns with dedicating time and resources to what matters most, whether on vacation in Bend, OR (my happy place), playing or coaching sports, or volunteering at a local food bank. Flexibility is key to adjusting, allocating, and, most importantly, enjoying my time across a dynamic collection of family, friends, colleagues, and priorities – every day brings new opportunities and challenges! And finally, integrity embodies the underlying honesty (particularly in a round of golf!), respect, and accountability that I strive to deliver daily.